Thursday, March 26, 2009

Another one bites the dust.

I've decided to move this blog to my own servers. So in a few hours, will be the new home of has always been forwarded to this Blogger Blog, but now will be the only way to direct yourself to my site.

Here's the links to the old posts covering the renaming history and some transom links:
For what it's worth ...

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Yeah ... you got the right guy

... just the wrong blog. This URL was definitely a top 3 pick for renaming The other being jerry-welch. However, you'll have to wait until August 2, 2008 to find out the new URL. As for this blog, it's nothing more than a place holder. It does have a nice ring to it though. Abraham's Beard. will remain forwarded to my live blog so you'll only have to remember that link. The URL switch is simply for creativity's sake.

All the best.